Building a Resilient Generation/Challenges Confronting Youth & Our Responsibilities/Written by/Shama Lal (Abbottabad)


The challenges that today’s youth have to face can have a big impact on their development as individuals. Young people have specific challenges that need our attention and action, from controlling the complexities of the digital age to dealing with economic and social challenges. It is our responsibility as a society to acknowledge and deal with these problems, while giving future generations the support and assistance they require to succeed. This blog explores some of the most significant problems facing youth today and places special emphasis on our responsibility to nurture strong and capable next generations.

Mental health:

A growing number of mental health problems is one of the most urgent issues that young people today must deal with. Their wellbeing may suffer from the strains of academic success, social media impact, and maturity transition. As responsible adults, we must prioritize mental health education and establish welcoming environments where young people can access support services. This involves promoting open dialogue, providing counselling, and de-stigmatizing mental health concerns.

Education and Employment:

Today’s kids are under tremendous stress due to a quickly changing labour market and the demand for more qualifications. Major concerns include rising tuition costs, the difficulty of obtaining a high-quality education, and the difficulty of finding a steady job after graduation. As a society, we must make resources in educational possibilities for all people and in career-oriented training programs for teenagers. In addition, mentorship and job opportunities can assist close the knowledge gap by offering valuable guidance and practical knowledge.

Social inequality and discrimination:

Opportunities and prospects are often limited for young people from marginalized groups due to structure restrictions. Existing injustices in society are made worse by discrimination based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, and other factors. We must be aware of these differences and work to eliminate them through advocating social justice, equality, and inclusivity. Young people can be given the tools they require to overcome difficulties and realize their full potential if we work to develop an environment that embraces diversity and promotes tolerance.

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change:

The consequences of climate change present significant challenges for the youth of today and future generations. They inherit an environment that is dealing with environmental issues, such as warming temperatures, natural disasters, and resource depletion. Young people must be fully aware of the need of environmental sustainability, and we must motivate them to develop environmentally friendly behaviors and serve as changemakers. Securing a sustainable future for our children requires taking significant steps like investing in renewable energy, promoting conservation, and working for modifications to the regulations.


At conclusion, it takes a team effort to effectively deal with the complicated challenges that youngsters today are facing. It is our obligation as responsible individuals and citizens to uplift and support the younger generation. We can give young people with the resources they need to overcome challenges and develop resilience by putting an emphasis on mental health, investing in education and employment opportunities, promoting inclusivity, and addressing climate change. Together, let’s embrace our responsibilities and set the road for a brighter tomorrow so that future generations will flourish and leave an improvement in the world.

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