Eid of the poor and our behavior/Writing competition for story writing in collaboration with Islamic Writers Movement Pakistan and Likho website.

Writing competition for story writing in collaboration with Islamic Writers Movement Pakistan and Likho website.
Eid of the poor and our behavior
Contest Terms
Written competition will be held in English.
The writing should be shared in the comment box of the website.
The name, contact number and address must be written at the beginning of the writing. The number of words should be minimum 800 and maximum 1000 words.
The writing should be personal and not plagiarized.
Writings not relevant to the topic will not be included in the competition
Book and certificate will be issued to the lucky participants, who come first, second, third, In Sha Allah
Last date for submission of story is 27th of Ramadan
The results will be announced after Eid-ul-Fitr, In Sah Allah
Important Note
Only the members of the admin panel will be able to see and read the text sent in the comment box of the website, In Sha Allah
For more details 03136363979

اس خبر پر اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں

12 تبصرے “Eid of the poor and our behavior/Writing competition for story writing in collaboration with Islamic Writers Movement Pakistan and Likho website.

  1. Name: zuraiz Ahmed
    Phone number: 03325202215
    Gmail: zuraizahmed93@gmail.com
    Address: C1 mujahid colony stadium road Karachi

    Eid of the Poor and our behaviour

    It was the night before Eid, and the markets were filled with excitement and commotion. People were busy buying new things to prepare for the festivities, and a sense of joyousness was apparent everywhere. As I was shopping for clothes, a poorly dressed child of about 12 to 13 years old approached me holding some caps and glasses. He asked me to buy them as he was selling them at a cheaper rate. I initially ignored him but I relented when I saw the disappointment on his face. So, I purchased a pair of glasses and a cap from him. I noticed something in his demeanor that made me feel that he was not from a poor background but had fallen on hard times. Curious, I struck up a conversation with him and asked if he had faced any tribulations any recently. He kept silent for a moment but shortly revealed that his father had passed away three months ago and that he was now selling caps and glasses on the street to support his family, which consisted of his mother, younger brother, and sister.

    The young boy addressed me with respect, saying “Uncle, I thank Allah that my family and I are blessed with a better life than many others. My father was a fruit seller. After his death, his stall was sold to pay for the depth he held in his life. When we became short of money, I started selling caps and glasses on the streets. All praise be to Allah that He has placed the responsibility of sustenance in His hands. I earn enough to afford one meal a day for my family. Sometimes we do not have enough money to buy food and spend our day in hunger. My mother is in iddat. She often cries about our hardships. I reassure her that everything will be fine. When my father was around, we used to eat until we were full. He used to buy us new clothes every Eid and gave us Eidi. Now I have become an Eidi giver.” It was heart-wrenching to hear his story, and I felt compelled to help him. I gave him some money and bought him a suit, which he initially refused but eventually accepted with gratitude.

    This encounter made me realize that there are many people around us who are not as fortunate and blessed as we are. Despite their struggles, they neither beg nor complain, and it is up to us to show compassion and help them in whatever way we can. I saw the happiness in his eyes which made me realize that the joy of giving is indeed greater than that of receiving.

    After he left, I decided to follow him discreetly to observe how people reacted to his sellings. Since he was not a beggar, he politely approached a few people and asked them to purchase his products. It was disheartening to see how the people not only ignored him, but also scolded him for disturbing them. However, he remained undeterred. Eventually, I saw him stop at a jewelry shop where he purchased two pairs of bangles, likely for his mother and sister, using the money I had given him. He then left the market and made his way to a food shop to buy something to eat. He continued walking towards a poor area, which I suspected was where his family lived. At that point, I decided to quit my shopping and headed back home.

    The next day, as I made my way home after offering the Eid prayer, I saw the same boy I had met yesterday. He was not wearing the suit that I had purchased for him. I saw him gleefully watching the crowd of brightly dressed people and children. I decided to walk over to him. At first, he seemed surprised, but his expression soon turned to immense happiness as he recognized me. I embraced him in a warm hug and wished him Eid Mubarak. Tears welled up in his eyes. He said that he felt like he was hugging his father. I then handed him some Eidi, and inquired about the suit that I had bought him yesterday for Eid. He said that he had given it to his mother so that she could mend it for his younger brother. I invited him to come with me, to which he readily agreed.

    There are many people in our society who are hesitant to ask for help or rely on others. Just like that kid, they silently bear their hardships and rarely seek assistance from others. However, those with a discerning eye can recognize their struggles. Unfortunately, most of us choose to overlook them. We fail to share our happiness with those who are less fortunate. Rather, we often treat them with contempt and arrogance. We must remember that all our blessings come from Allah, and we should share them with those who are deprived of these happiness. By doing so, not only will we increase their happiness, but our own happiness and blessings will also multiply and Allah will be pleased with us.

  2. Topic: “ Eid of the poor and our behavior ”
    Written by: Zainab Azam, Karachi.
    Number of words: 997

    “listen please ”
    “Do you love your last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)? ”
    “Yes, Why not!?” he stood up and started seeing her wife with shocking eyes.
    Mrs Yousuf ignored him and continued her conversation.
    “I think that you know about huge group of non-muslims, who are in the mask of Muslims, they call “Qadyaniyin”. They speed up their work. They presaude to weak Muslims and give them high quality things free of cost, give them best foods and beautiful clothes, and they enslaves them in return and fill a covenant with them. By this convenant man converts from Muslim to non-muslim and become sinner to Prophet Muhammad SAW .”
    “Mr Yousuf this period is golden chance of stopping them. ”
    “What ?”
    “How can we stop them?”
    Mr Yousuf said with little bit of hope.
    “Eid period, it is the golden chance for stopping their activities and you know that this period is golden for them also! so, we have to buy best quality of clothes and food items for needy people and started our mission from 25th of Ramadan.”
    “Wow, best idea. I start searching of real needy area. This mission is also helpful for our children. They learn behavior of real human being and Muslim by this activity inshallah.”
    Mr Yousuf said hopefully and Mrs Yousuf thanks to God in her heart.
    _ _ _ _ _
    “Papa! where we are going now? Is it a shopping journey for Eid? ” hamna and hassan asked with exclamation.
    “ No! it is a surprise. ” Mrs Yousuf replied to children.
    “ Hamna”
    “ Hassan ”
    “ Children! hurry up! see this surprise.”Mr Yousuf said after fifteen minutes.
    “Wow! Mom and dad, it is two trucks of food and clothes! How we wear all of these in Eid day?” Children asked with a huge exclamation.
    “Haha! so, it is not for you dear children, come here. Today we learn a big lesson of life and this lesson is about our beloved last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).”
    Then Mr Yousuf teached children about Khatm e Nabuuat and qadyaniyyin and then Mrs Yousuf explain them game of qadyaniyyin behind veil of best clothes and food items.
    “Now, let’s go to the needy people.” Mr Yousuf said to children.
    “Yes papa, Why not!” replied children with excitement.
    “You all have to participate in division of these items because Islam teaches us lesson of equality and our beloved prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) also told us about this lesson. He said in beautiful Hadith:
    “ Every muslim is brother of another muslim.”
    Islam also teaches us humanity and these people are also humans and being Muslim they have complete right to enjoy their Eid day with full of joy and happiness.” Mrs Yousuf teached children while walking towards their goal.
    “Yes mom! we do it inshallah.” replied children and their faces glow with courage and strength.
    “Take it, it’s for you!” Hamna said to needy person with glowing eyes and smiley face.
    “Thank you!” needy person shocked on her style and thankful to God.
    “It’s for you aunt! ” Hassan said to old woman.
    “Thank you little boy! Be happy!” Old woman replied to Hassan.
    They finished division until the sunset. They all were became tired but they are extremely happy, because they gotten happiness of heart. They came home at midnight and slept without talking about the day.
    “Mom, we gotten happiness of heart because we chaise our goal and now iman of our brothers and sisters are save.” Hassan and Hamna said with excitement.
    “Yes, Alhamdullilah, you have be thankful to God because Allah gave you a chance to be a part of this beautiful mission.” Mrs Yousuf teached children.
    “No doubt, otherwise we all have no power. All power goes to only Allah.” Mr Yousuf agreed to his wife.
    _ _ _ _ _ _
    “Students! Write descriptive answer to the question on board.” Sir Danial said to students.
    “Wow this topic is amazing!” Hassan said to himself. Then he started writing of answer.
    “Sir, I have done.” Hassan raised his hand.
    “Very nice! Amazing speed!” Sir Danial appreciated hassan.
    “Remaining students! please hurry up just ten minutes left.” Sir Danial warned students.
    Then he collected all papers and told students that he will check all papers then he give huge prize to winner.
    After three days, sir danial entered in the classroom as usual but maximum happiness glow on his face.
    “Students! today I announce result after five minutes while principal also come here.” Sir Danial said to students and heart of everyone beats fastest. After five minutes, principal came in classroom and everyone said salam to him.
    “Walikumus Salam, Sir please announce result.”
    Principal said to sir after watching condition of students.
    “The winner is Hassan Yousuf!”
    Sir Danial announced result and said after two minutes:
    “Masha Allah, he perform best job on the topic:
    “ Eid of the poor and our behavior ”
    “Excellent Son!”
    “Amazing, Masha Allah, May Allah bless you more and more!” Principal appreciated hassan.
    “Masha Allah!” Whole class appreciated hassan.
    “Please come here, take your prize and tell us about your answer. ”
    Hassan stood up from his seat in shocked condition and gone towards principal and received his prize. The prize is book that wrapped in gift paper. He started telling about his answer:
    “ First of all, I thanks to God because all power goes to only Allah. Then I am grateful to my parents because they teached me about Khatm e Nabuuat and about pain of poor people. They taught me that poor people are also humans and they have a lot of wishes. They taught me that our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW told us that, hunger is a bad mate and stomach is a bowl that not able to full. If we are not imagine life without food and clothes, so how those people live without these things? When we not helped them then Qadyaniyyin gain this golden chance to persuade them.”
    “Excellent Son, Go ahead.” Sir Danial said to them and Mr Yousuf who came to talk with principal feeling proud on his son.

  3. Eid of poor and our behavior
    Mudassira Sharf
    M.Phil Scholar, Dept of Fiqh and Shariah, IUB, Bahawalpur
    +92 308 2032097
    During Eid, it is crucial to keep in mind the situation of the underprivileged and take action to make their celebration possible. Giving the poor Zakat-ul-Fitr, a small sum of money or food given to them before Eid to assist them in celebrating the holiday, is one way to do this. In order to assist people in need, it is also advised to donate Sadaqah, or voluntary charity, during Eid. Muslims celebrate Eid as the end of the holy month of Ramadan, which was marked by fasting and introspection. This is a moment to rejoice, celebrate, and thank Allah for the gifts bestowed upon us throughout the month. Sharing our blessings with others who are less fortunate is encouraged in Islam.

    Furthermore, it is crucial to be kind, compassionate, and kind to the poor and in need throughout the year, not just on Eid. This can be accomplished by giving your time to a neighbourhood charity, visiting sick or elderly people, and providing aid to those in need in our communities.

    During Eid, it’s also crucial to pay attention to how we treat the less fortunate and those in need. During this festive time, we should avoid any actions that can make people feel excluded or marginalised. This entails abstaining from extravagant displays of riches, dressing modestly, and showing consideration for others.
    As Muslims, we ought to work to ensure that everyone can celebrate Eid, regardless of their socioeconomic situation. This can be accomplished by asking the underprivileged and needy to join in our celebrations and by giving them food and gifts. We should also refrain from any actions that can endanger or annoy our neighbours, such as using fireworks or making too much noise.
    It’s crucial to keep in mind that the genuine meaning of Eid is found in how we treat other people. We can fully embody Islamic principles and improve the world by being kind, compassionate, and kind to the poor and needy on Eid. May Allah reward us for our good acts with a pleasant and meaningful Eid celebration for all of us.
    Muslims from all over the world get together to celebrate Eid, which marks the conclusion of Ramadan, the month-long fast. However, because they do not have the resources to celebrate in the same way as others, the impoverished may find Eid to be an especially difficult time.We have an obligation to show compassion and empathy for those who are less fortunate as scholars and members of the Muslim community. Here are a few ways we may benefit the underprivileged this Eid:
    Giving to a respected charity organisation is one of the best methods to assist the needy during Eid. Those in need may receive this in the form of cash, clothing, food, or any other supplies.
    Invite them to your Eid celebrations: If you are aware of someone who would not be able to enjoy Eid alone, you could want to invite them. This is a fantastic approach to reassure them of your support and help them feel included.
    Share your food: Giving away some of your meals to the less fortunate during Eid is another way to support them. This might be as easy as delivering them food that you have prepared or inviting them over for a meal.
    Go see them: Reaching out to those who might be feeling alone or isolated is crucial during Eid. During this time, think about visiting the sick, the elderly, or anybody else who might be in need.
    Last but not least, it’s critical to constantly treat people with love and respect. These modest acts of kindness, whether it be a smile or a nice exchange of words, can have a significant impact on someone’s life.
    In short Eid is a moment to rejoice and unite as a community. It is our duty as Muslim scholars and community members to be sympathetic and helpful to people who may be in need. We can improve the lives of those close to us by giving to charity, asking them to special occasions, sharing meals, visiting them, and exhibiting love and respect.

  4. Eid of the poor and our behavior
    Naila Bibi
    B.S Scholar, Dept of fiqh and shariah, IUB, Bahawalpur
    +92 308 2032097

    Eid, one of the most significant festivals in the Islamic calendar, is celebrated by Muslims around the world with great joy and enthusiasm. The festival marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. It is a time for joyous celebrations, family gatherings, and exchanging gifts. However, as we celebrate this joyous occasion, it is crucial to reflect on our behavior towards the poor and needy.
    Eid is often referred to as the “Eid of the Poor,” as it is a time when Muslims are encouraged to give generously to the less fortunate. The act of giving is considered an essential aspect of Islam, and it is one of the five pillars of the faith. Muslims are required to give a portion of their wealth, known as Zakat, to the poor and needy. During Eid, this act of giving is even more emphasized, and Muslims are encouraged to go out of their way to help those in need.
    However, our behavior towards the poor during Eid is often far from what is expected of us. Instead of showing compassion and empathy towards those who are less fortunate, we tend to indulge in lavish feasts and extravagant celebrations. We spend thousands of dollars on new clothes, gifts, and decorations, while the poor struggle to make ends meet.
    This behavior is not only contradictory to the teachings of Islam but also reflects poorly on our character as human beings. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of treating the poor and needy with kindness and compassion. He once said, “He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbor goes hungry.” This statement highlights the importance of sharing our blessings with others, especially those who are less fortunate.
    We often forget that the act of giving is not just about the material possessions we offer. It is about the intention behind our actions and the impact it has on the lives of others. The true essence of giving is to bring joy and happiness to the lives of those who are struggling. It is about acknowledging the blessings we have been given and using them to make a positive difference in the world.
    Therefore, as we celebrate Eid, we must reflect on our behavior towards the poor and needy. Instead of focusing on extravagant celebrations, we should make a conscious effort to help those who are less fortunate. We can do this by donating to charities, volunteering at local shelters, or simply reaching out to our neighbors who may be struggling.
    Moreover, our behavior towards the poor should not be limited to just the Eid celebrations. It should be a part of our everyday lives. We should make it a habit to help those in need, regardless of the occasion. By doing so, we not only fulfill our religious obligations but also make a positive impact on the lives of others.
    In conclusion, Eid is a time of joy and celebration, but it is also a time to reflect on our behavior towards the poor and needy. As Muslims, we have a responsibility to give generously to those who are less fortunate. We must remember that the act of giving is not just about material possessions, but also about the intention behind our actions and the impact it has on the lives of others. Let us make a conscious effort to help those in need, not just during Eid but throughout the year. By doing so, we can fulfill our religious obligations and make a positive impact on the world.
    suggestions :
    1. Foster a spirit of generosity: The act of giving should not be limited to just material possessions. We can also give of our time, our skills, and our compassion. By fostering a spirit of generosity, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.
    2. Educate ourselves: To truly understand the plight of the poor, we must educate ourselves about their struggles and the root causes of poverty. This can involve reading books and articles, attending lectures, and engaging in meaningful discussions with those who have experienced poverty firsthand.
    3. Support local businesses: When giving to charity or purchasing gifts for Eid, consider supporting local businesses that are owned and operated by members of the community. This not only helps to support local economies but also fosters a sense of community and solidarity.
    4. Be mindful of our own consumption: As we celebrate Eid, it’s important to be mindful of our own consumption and to avoid excess. By reducing our own consumption, we can free up resources that can be used to help those in need.
    5. Encourage others to give: Finally, we should encourage others to give generously to those in need. This can involve sharing stories of those who have benefited from our giving, or simply leading by example through our own actions. By encouraging others to give, we can create a ripple effect that can make a significant impact on the lives of many.

  5. Eid of the poor and our behavior
    Sumreen Fatima
    B.S Scholar, Dept of fiqh and shariah, IUB, Bahawalpur
    +92 346 3257959
    Eid is a joyous occasion that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims all over the world. It is a time of celebration, feasting, and exchanging gifts with loved ones. However, for the poor and marginalized communities, Eid can be a stark reminder of their economic struggles and social exclusion. In this essay, we will explore the philosophical and analytical implications of our behavior towards the poor during Eid.
    Eid is a time to reflect on the importance of compassion, empathy, and generosity. These values are central to Islam and are emphasized throughout the Quran and the Hadith. Eid is an opportunity to demonstrate these values in practice by reaching out to the poor and needy in our communities. By doing so, we fulfill our moral obligations as Muslims and contribute to the greater good of society.
    Our behavior towards the poor during Eid can have far-reaching consequences. The way we treat the poor and marginalized communities can impact their social mobility, economic opportunities, and mental health. The economic disparities that exist between the rich and poor are particularly acute during Eid. The lavish celebrations, extravagant gifts, and feasting can exacerbate the feelings of exclusion and alienation among the poor. It is, therefore, our responsibility as a society to ensure that everyone is included in the celebrations and that no one is left behind.
    There are several ways in which we can demonstrate our compassion and generosity towards the poor during Eid. One of the most effective ways is through Zakat, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakat is an obligatory charitable contribution that is calculated as a percentage of one’s wealth. It is intended to provide for the poor and needy and to promote social equality. By giving Zakat during Eid, we can help alleviate the economic burdens of the poor and enable them to participate in the celebrations.
    Another way to demonstrate our generosity is through Sadaqah, which is voluntary charity. Sadaqah can take many forms, such as donating money, food, clothing, or other essential items to the poor. By doing so, we not only fulfill our moral obligations but also promote social cohesion and solidarity. Sadaqah can also have a positive impact on our own mental health by promoting feelings of gratitude and happiness.
    In addition to Zakat and Sadaqah, we can also demonstrate our compassion towards the poor by inviting them to our Eid celebrations. This can be particularly meaningful for those who are socially excluded and have limited opportunities to participate in community events. By welcoming them into our homes and sharing our blessings with them, we can promote a sense of belonging and inclusion.
    However, it is important to recognize that our behavior towards the poor during Eid should not be limited to the festive season. Poverty and social exclusion are ongoing issues that require sustained attention and action. We should strive to make a difference in the lives of the poor throughout the year by supporting charitable organizations, volunteering our time and resources, and advocating for policies that promote social justice and equality.
    In conclusion, Eid is a time to reflect on the importance of compassion, empathy, and generosity towards the poor and marginalized communities. By demonstrating these values in practice, we fulfill our moral obligations as Muslims and contribute to the greater good of society. Our behavior towards the poor during Eid can have far-reaching consequences and impact their social mobility, economic opportunities, and mental health. We should, therefore, strive to ensure that everyone is included in the celebrations and that no one is left behind. Ultimately, our actions during Eid should be guided by the principles of social justice and equality, which are central to Islam and all major religions.
    some practical suggestions
    1. Donate to charitable organizations: There are many organizations that work to provide food, clothing, and other essential items to the poor during Eid. Consider donating to one of these organizations to support their efforts.
    2. Give Sadaqah: In addition to donating to charitable organizations, consider giving Sadaqah directly to the poor. This could be in the form of money, food, or other essential items.
    3. Invite the poor to your Eid celebrations: Consider inviting a few poor families to your Eid celebrations. This will not only provide them with a sense of belonging and inclusion but also give them an opportunity to enjoy the festivities.
    4. Volunteer your time: If you have some free time during Eid, consider volunteering at a local charity organization or community center. This will allow you to directly help the poor and make a difference in their lives.
    5. Prioritize Zakat during Eid: Zakat is an obligatory charitable contribution in Islam. Consider calculating and giving Zakat during Eid to help the poor and needy.
    6. Avoid excessive spending on Eid: While it is important to enjoy the festivities, try to avoid excessive spending on unnecessary items. Instead, focus on giving to the poor and making a difference in their lives.
    7. Educate yourself and others: Educate yourself and others about the importance of helping the poor and marginalized communities during Eid. Spread awareness about the issues they face and the ways in which we can help them.

    By implementing these practical suggestions, we can increase our behavior towards the poor on Eid and make a meaningful difference in their lives. Remember, it is not just about celebrating the festivities but also about demonstrating compassion and empathy towards those who are less fortunate than us.

  6. Eid of the poor and our behavior
    Ayesha Javed
    M.Phil. Scholar, Dept of Fiqh and shariah, IUB, Bahawalpur
    +92 349 4601550

    Eid is an important religious and cultural celebration that is widely celebrated by Muslims all over the world. However, for many poor and marginalized individuals, Eid can be a difficult and challenging time due to economic hardships and social exclusion. In this essay, we will explore the psychological and analytical implications of our behavior towards the poor during Eid.
    From a psychological perspective, our behavior towards the poor during Eid can have a significant impact on their mental health and well-being. Poverty and social exclusion are known risk factors for mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The festivities and celebrations associated with Eid can exacerbate these feelings of social isolation and exclusion among the poor.
    However, research has also shown that acts of kindness and generosity towards others can have a positive impact on mental health. When we engage in acts of charity and kindness towards the poor during Eid, we not only help to alleviate their economic burdens but also promote a sense of social connectedness and belonging. This can have a positive impact on their mental health and well-being.
    Moreover, our behavior towards the poor during Eid can also impact our own psychological well-being. Engaging in acts of charity and kindness towards others has been linked to increased feelings of happiness, gratitude, and satisfaction. By demonstrating compassion and generosity towards the poor, we not only fulfill our moral obligations but also promote our own mental health and well-being.
    From an analytical perspective, our behavior towards the poor during Eid can have significant implications for social justice and equality. The economic disparities that exist between the rich and poor are particularly acute during Eid, with lavish celebrations and extravagant gifts being common among those who can afford them. This can exacerbate feelings of social exclusion and alienation among the poor and further widen the economic gap between different social classes.
    Furthermore, our behavior towards the poor during Eid can also have implications for social mobility and economic opportunities. Research has shown that poverty and social exclusion can limit access to education, employment, and other resources that are necessary for social mobility. By demonstrating compassion and generosity towards the poor during Eid, we not only help to alleviate their immediate economic burdens but also promote social equality and mobility.
    So, what can we do to improve our behavior towards the poor during Eid from a psychological and analytical perspective? Here are some suggestions:
    Practice empathy: Try to put yourself in the shoes of the poor and marginalized individuals during Eid. Imagine how difficult it must be for them to see others enjoying lavish celebrations while they struggle to make ends meet. By practicing empathy, we can better understand their experiences and take steps to support them.
    Give to charity: Donate to charitable organizations that work to provide food, clothing, and other essential items to the poor during Eid. This will not only help to alleviate their economic burdens but also promote a sense of social connectedness and belonging.
    Volunteer your time: If you have some free time during Eid, consider volunteering at a local charity organization or community center. This will allow you to directly help the poor and make a difference in their lives.
    Educate yourself and others: Educate yourself and others about the challenges faced by the poor and marginalized individuals during Eid. Spread awareness about the issues they face and the ways in which we can help them.
    Avoid excessive spending on Eid: Try to avoid excessive spending on unnecessary items during Eid. Instead, focus on giving to the poor and making a difference in their lives.
    Invite the poor to your Eid celebrations: Consider inviting a few poor families to your Eid celebrations. This will not only provide them with a sense of belonging and inclusion but also give them an opportunity to enjoy the festivities.
    Prioritize Zakat during Eid: Zakat is an obligatory charitable contribution in Islam. Consider calculating and giving Zakat during Eid to help the poor and needy. This will not only fulfill your religious obligation but also promote social justice and economic equality.
    Support local businesses: Consider supporting local businesses that employ and empower the poor during Eid. By purchasing goods and services from these businesses, you not only promote economic development and social mobility but also contribute to the well-being of the poor and marginalized individuals in your community.
    our behavior towards the poor during Eid has significant psychological and analytical implications. By practicing empathy, giving to charity, volunteering our time, educating ourselves and others, avoiding excessive spending, inviting the poor to our celebrations, prioritizing Zakat, and supporting local businesses, we can improve our behavior towards the poor during Eid and promote a more just and equitable society for all. Ultimately, Eid is not just a time for celebration but also a time for reflection, gratitude, and compassion towards those who are less fortunate than us.

  7. Sadaf Jawaid
    R 6 ,row c , block 2 kaneez Fatima Society Scheme:33 Karachi
    “Eid of the poor and our behaviour ”
    The last decade of Ramadan was coming to an end. Eid-ul-fitr holidays were going to be held in School s
    “Even today Saba did not come to School.” Rameen was surprised to find him absent on the last day as well
    “She never takes leave, she is more punctual than us in this matter. ” Ramsha spoke in support of Rameen
    Saba was a prize winner for perfect attendance, so every one was surprised at her constant absence.

    “She will not come to School anymore.”Dania told
    Why…….?they asked
    “Ever since her father death, her Condition was worsened, even to pay the fees.”Dania added, she was a resident of Saba

    “Oh! Very sad ” said Ramsha
    Rameen didn’t know what to say. Despite being a best friend Saba never showed concern. She became sad

    As the day of Eid was approaching, Abida’s Tahajjud prayers were getting longer. She was preparing for her elder daughter ‘s marriage with great difficulty that Shamsa came with the proposal of her 2nd daughter
    “Abida! noble family relationship are given to those who are lucky. You marry Hina with Sana. Shamsa advised
    “You know my situation very well. How is the possible so soon? Abida asked
    “Hey!when the boy ‘s family hasn’t made any demand then why are you worried? shamsa told

    Thus Hina’s relationship was settled, but the worries made Abida sleepless. The little savings were used in Sana’s wedding preparations. The economic condition was not stable to marry both daughters at the same time. They needed time to prepare for wedding necessities but her in-law s were in hurry. Had the proposal been rejected, fortune might not have knocked again. In such a situation, she remembered the words of her late husband
    “Aabi! my disease is incurable now, keep the savings for girls. This is their future after me “.
    Even after exhausting all the savings, she could n”t save herself from becoming a widow
    “I wish! I would have accepted what my late husband said. Abida thought in despair
    ” Mom! come and eat something, suhore time is about to end .” Saba said
    “Her studies are also in suffered by the situation. ” sorrow filled Abida’s eyes with tears.
    “Mom don’t worry! Everything will be fine Insha Allah. ” Saba consoled the mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    “Welcome! Dear sis! a. surprise for you. ” When Rameen came home from school, her younger brother Ruhaan was glad to see her and told.
    ” your special eid ‘s outfit from grandma. ” He said gladly
    “Its beautiful ! Rameen replied
    “Not just beautiful, it’s too much awesome. You look like a fairy in this dress. “Grandma am I right? He sought support from his grandmother.
    If she hadn’t thought about Saba, she would’ve expressed her happiness with great enthusiasm like her brother.
    “Ruhaan! don’t bother my daughter in fasting, she is tired. Grandma speak with love.
    “Rameen! You rest after performing the zohr Salah and we will go for shopping after iftar. Her Mom said.
    ” yes Mom! It will be so much fun, we will go to lucky one for shopping. ” Instead of Rameen her brother answered. He squealed happily as soon as he heard the shopping.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    “Sana ! You spoke for loan in your office. “Abida asked
    “No mom! I have already taken a loan for my marriage. It is not possible again so soon. “Sana said
    “Mommy! this is my savings, you keep it. Hina said giving money to her mother.
    “This money can only buy a few clothes, but jewelry…….”
    “Mom! Dania mother has come. ”
    She was talking to Hina when Saba informed him.
    “How are you? Mrs jamal said. She is Dania’s mother
    “Fine!” Abida replied
    “These are daily essentials and some bridal suits, will come in handy at their wedding. “Dania’s mom humbly said.
    Impressed by their sincerity Abida explained her need.
    “You people ‘s habit of begging will never end. I held the finger, you held the my whole hand. “Mrs jamal said angrily.
    “Why did you marry your daughter s in such a high family when you have no status. Limit your expenses according to your earnings. ” Now she told sarcastically.
    The illusion of white collar is also gone and nothing was achieved. A sense of humiliation languid Abida

    “Mommy! You tell Aamir if he can accept me in two clothes then its fine otherwise you refuse this proposal. ” Hina said in great pain. She also couldn’t tolerate disrespect.
    “Aapi! see this! these suits are looking very old and their luster is also dull. Saba told her elder sister Sana.
    “YES! you are right. These are all redundant items, these are not useable. She has mocked our low status. Don’t tell mom, it will hurt her more.” Sana said griefly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    “Rameen! Rameen! ” Daddy called out to him
    “What are you doing? When she didn’t get an answer, he came to her room and asked.
    She was counting money from her saving box.
    ” Tell me what you need? seeing the money in her hand, he asked
    “Daddy! Children whose father dies, their life becomes in very difficulties and they can’t even celebrate their happiness. ” Rameen spoke seriously. This unexpected answer shocked Mr Ahzam.
    “What’s the problem? tell me.” He asked again
    “Saba is in a lot of trouble after her father’s death, ” she told her Dad about her

    “Sweet heart! don’t worry, Allah Almighty turn her difficulties into ease, i try to solve her problem. ” He said
    “Come on!hurry up! You also have to buy an eid present for your friend. Daddy smiled
    “Yes! absolutely Dad ” She smiled too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “Rameen you! I don’t believe……..Saba’s words were lost with joy and astonishment. It was the moonlit night of eid when Rameen came to her house with her family.
    She was still in a ..state of uncertainty. She hide the Condition of her home from Rameen, fearing that poverty would cause a rift in their friendship, because she had already lost Dania’s friendship. Abida was also in the same situation. ” Asking people for your needs causes embarrassment, but the one who asks only Allah Almighty is never disappointed. He helps in ways that no one can imagine. ” Abida is thinking this and started arranging hospitality.

  8. Name: Misbah Ibrahim
    Father Name: Muhammad Ibrahim
    Contact No: 03453005230
    Address: Plot No. D-5 Sector 50/C Korangi 100 quarters Karachi No. 31 Pakistan
    Story: “Eid of Poor & Our Behavior”
    Eid is a blessing for every Muslim. Having faith in Allah Kareem, Muslims know that Eid-ul-Fitr is the best gift for every Muslim after the fasts of Ramadan. Muslims do not eat or drink and stay away from their carnal desires from Fajr to Maghrib Azan. It is celebrated in many ways and each way is unique and reflects the joy in its spirit like application of henna by girls, wearing of new clothes, decoration of house, delicious dishes and especially sweet food, preparation of parties, the money given by relatives called “Eidi”.
    This happens all over the world wherever Muslims live. However, a question arises how does a poor person as well as a guardian having an average economic status celebrate his most significant & religious festival with his family? How does he survive in this cruel society? Will anybody hold his hand for acquiring a little bit of happiness to him or not?
    Let’s take a look at a family living in Pakistan.
    The story begins with the small area of largest division (Korangi) of Karachi in which a family is waiting for any angel for their help.
    Yes, Azam is telling me the details of Last year Eid 2022. He has two sons. Her wife is a humble and obedient housewife. He belongs to a lower middle class.
    His eyes were filled with tears while saying that Eid was coming soon and preparation were null. No Eid shopping of any member of family, no ration food was there in the home. Even youngest son azeem had not casual shoes to wear. I encouraged him to speak further.
    He said that the rich people of his area like to spend their money only on their desires and luxuries. Allah blessed them and we are less fortunate. He created us, He will fulfill our needs. We are grateful for it. Meanwhile, his oldest son muazzam (16 years old) came into the room and shouted:
    “How is this distribution of God? I can’t keep quite anymore. Look outside! We are starving and these people are coming back from shopping malls with full of hands of shopping bags. We don’t have even basic requirements of our lives. I didn’t take sufficient food for last two days”.
    Azam tried to calm his son but teenage children are not controlled quickly. His voice became too slow and I listened hardly he was murmuring what do I do? If it was up to me, I were die. I am not able to bear this behavior of children.
    He drowned in grief and said, I am a vegetable stalker and this is the only source of income right now. Vegetables are getting expensive day by day. I have to go to the wholesale market at the end of night to buy vegetables. I can’t sleep peacefully all night because of these worries. Nowadays, these vegetables are not sold as much during Ramadan. Next day they become stale and unsalable. I am worried about it.
    Last year I was employed in a garment company, which was much better than today where my salary was 25,000/-. However, unfortunately, my wife underwent an urgent operation for breast cancer, so I took a loan from the company on a two-month contract. I worked for two months without money and you know it was the months of Shaban and Ramadan. I borrowed some money from relatives for Eid shopping for the family. Eid had just passed and they were asking for money at my door. I kept paying them back every month from my savings. I don’t know what will happen with my family this Eid. Vegetables are not sold in Ramadan. Iftaar items make people feel full and they don’t need it much.
    He continued telling last year moments that Things might have gone back to normal, but company manager fired people aged 40 and over. I was also among them. I am ashamed of my wife and children. I can’t even give smile on their face. What is the value of Rs.100, 500/-? I don’t even have enough money to buy glasses and watches for my sons. They will be happy about these little things. Forget about new clothes and shoes now. They will wear the old one taken last year. People holding these high positions do not know the compulsion of the needy. My relative supervise this area. Jameel ahmed is deputy commissioner of this district. He does not care for us. I have no words for describing their carelessness.
    As a writer, I comforted him and wished him well for the future and walked out. A week later, I was reading the newspaper. I stopped at the highlighted news that DC had helped a poor family. This picture was of Muazzam and his brother. My mind was stuck in it. I have seen this kind of news earlier in WhatsApp, Facebook groups but I ignored them as they were unauthentic, but print media is more reliable than social media. I decided to go to his house to find out the matter. Next day I reached there and was surprised to see a huge crowd at the main gate of his house.
    His neighbors said that Azim died two days ago. The Deputy Commissioner brought clothes, food and gave the widow up to 50,000/-. All this charity was just for showing off. Not only DC, his stone-hearted relatives and well-off people of the area also arrived there with all the necessary household goods. The cameramen & photographers were filming all the scenes of insulting the poor man’s self-respect but who was saddened by the accident except azam’s wife.
    His youngest child Azim was saying: Baba! Why didn’t you die before today???
    I could not stay any longer and returned home with a heavy heart.

  9. Essay: The Eid of the poor and our behaviour


    Arsalan Ullah Khan

    S/O Afaq Ullah Khan

    Mobile + WhatsApp: 0333-2905043

    Add: House No. A/1399, Gulshan-e-Hadeed,Phase 1, Bin Qasim Town,Karachi.

    Postal Code: 75010






    Allah says in the Holy Quran:

    “Alms are for the poor and the needy.”

    (Suray-e-Tauba, Ayat no. 60)

    Eid is the festival during which Muslims share happiness. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, a practise they believe brings them closer to Allah, the Almighty. It also marks the end of fasting in Ramadan. The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), ordained Zakat Al-Fitr to purify the fasting person from indecent words or actions and to provide food for the needy, particularly our neighbours, as our beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) says:

    “He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbour is hungry.” (Bukhari Sharif)

    This auspicious day is adorned with the true colours of love, peace, and compassion. On this day, Almighty Allah gives reward to His slaves for the fasting they kept in the holy month of Ramadan. On this day, people from all races irrespective of caste, color, rich or poor give warm hugs to one another, compliments and salutations.  It is the auspicious day when Muslims offer Zakat, or Sadqa-e-Fitr, to those who are poor, needy, and destitute. This part of the financial contribution is given to purify the Ramadan fast and get closer to the Lord of the Universe forever. The festival is engulfed with bounties of happiness and joy. The happiness of this day is a sign of love, peace, compassion, fraternity, and brotherhood. People are happy on this auspicious day and prepare delicious foods. They share their breakfast, lunch, and dinners, portraying the best example of brotherhood, peace, and love. On this day, Muslims contribute a share of financial assistance to the poor people of society in the form of Zakat and 
    Sadqa-Fitr. This is the small part of financial assistance through which poor and needy people are provided with help. This is the means through which our fasting gets purified and we seek the perfect forgiveness and mercies of Almighty Allah. EID-UL-FITR is not only the festival of eating delicious foods. But the primary happiness of this day lies in the contributions made towards poor and needy people. Helping the poor and needy by giving Zakat to them in the form of sadqa and donations is the real aim and purpose of this celebration. This Eid belongs to all, whether poor or rich. So it is the need of the time to contribute towards the poor and needy by giving alms, zakat, and other donations. These destitute and needy people of the community also have families. They too have needs, and their children too have desires for Eid. Zakat and Sadqa-e-Fitr are the amounts that could prove the backbone for the survival and happiness of poor and needy people. It is the day of contributions. Our small contribution could bring happiness to thousands of people. All human beings deserve felicity and pleasure on this day. All human beings deserve to feed their families on this day. It is the day of celebration, holidays, happiness, love, and peace. So contribute whatever you could; even a single penny of yours shall light up many lives and provide them with happiness on this auspicious day.

    Unfortunately, our psychology is that we give Zakat or Fitrana to the poor with the view that we are doing “Ahsan” to them; however,however  the term “Ahsan” in the financial point of view means to help someone other than through Zakat or Fitrana. Just after paying Zakat or Fitrana, we say to the poor, “Remember us in your prayers.” Although it sounds good, the reality is that Zakat is the right of the poor, and we must thank him that he accepts it rather than taking advantage of his good will or showing that we are going “Ahsaan” on him. In our society, it is also common practise that some people collect money as Zakat from relatives who are living abroad for their poor and needy neighbours. After collecting a handsome amount, they distribute it to their neighbours, which is a great cause, but on the other hand, they started to get benefits from it. They just started to consider them their personal servants, and they enjoy their services free of charge for the whole year. This behaviour depicts that we are taking advantage of giving Zakat by taking the services of poor people. The real objective of helping poor people is to make them owners of the money unconditionally so that they may enjoy the Eid festival without any hesitation, guilt, humility, or inferiority complex. 

    Our small contribution in the form of Zakat, alms, and sadaqah on this Eid could give them some food. If they don’t get two morsels of food even on this holy day, then we don’t deserve to be Muslims. Contributing even a single penny matters a lot. So contribute generously. Remember the poor and needy people on this Eid. Kindly give Zakat and sadqa, and you will get the highest rewards from Allah. 
    This is based on the hadith: The Prophet of Allah said, “The fasting of the month of Ramadan will be hanging between earth and heaven, and it will not be raised up to the Divine Presence without paying the Zakat al-Fitr.” To purify those who fast from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy. So remember the poor and needy on this auspicious day.




  10. Title : Eid of the poor and our behavior

    Eid means joy. It is a joyous festival celebrated by Muslims.
    It is a gift from Allah to Muslims.
    Eid comes for a specific day in the year and leaves with a lot of happiness.
    In Islam, two Eids are celebrated in a year. One Eid-ul-Fitr and second Eid-ul-Adha
    Eid-ul-Fitr comes at the end of the month of Ramadan.
    Eid-ul-Fitr is a special gift from Allah to those who fast. In the month of Ramadan, along with physical worship, financial worship, Sadaqah Fitr has also been ordered
    Sadaqah al-Fitr is given to the poor and needy on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.
    It is also called Fitrana. It is necessary for every rich person to pay this Sadaqah-e-Fitr so that the poor and needy people also share in the joy of Eid.

    In a blessed hadith, good news has been given to those who give charity that “on the Day of Resurrection, when there will be no shadow, then charity will become a shadow over the believer.” (Ahmad). The words of another hadith of the same article are as follows: “Hurry in giving charity, because the call cannot go beyond charity, but it stops with charity.” That man! So spend in my way, I will spend on you.” (Bukhari)
    In the light of all these sayings of Aaliyah, it is proved that in Islam, apart from oneself and family members, spending is also encouraged on other people living in the society. These clocks are filled with good taste. Millions of Muslims in mosques all over the world have also performed itikaf. As the last hours of Ramadan are approaching, physical and financial prayers are increasing among Muslims. Preparations for Eid al-Fitr are also in full swing.

    The rush is increasing in the bazaars. Women and children are busy shopping to enrich this Islamic festival. On this occasion, it is necessary to keep an eye on the condition of the people living around us. There are many families around us who do not raise their hand to anyone to maintain the illusion of whiteness. We should be aware of such families and help them in a way that does not hurt their ego and pride. did not arrive
    We should take special care of our children as well as the children of the poor. Where you buy new suits and shoes for your children, you should also buy the same things for a poor child, which will make your children happy. There will be and they will also deserve the prayers of the poor.
    Try to help them with money.
    Since each person’s needs and preferences are different, if he is given cash, he will easily fulfill his need. It has also been observed that people pay Eid al-Fitr after reaching the place of Eid, but religious scholars say that Eid al-Fitr should be paid as early as possible so that deserving people can prepare for Eid in time.
    Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to celebrate the joys of Eid with his family members and take care of his neighbors. Therefore, following the Sunnah, if a family in the neighborhood, relatives and locality cannot participate in the joys of Eid due to poverty, we should help them and include them in the joys of Eid.
    Islamic teachings encourage giving charity secretly and to explain its importance, it is said that if one helps someone with the right hand, the left hand should not be aware of it. Some people feel shy, they don’t ask, they don’t extend their hands in front of anyone. We should take care of such people. We should help them financially and share them in the happiness of our Salat Eid.
    Often we see poor children somewhere whose tattered old clothes tell the story of their poverty. Even on the day of Eid, they are deprived of the joys of Eid. Poverty is very common in our Pakistan. And in today’s era of inflation, it is difficult for a working man to make a living. In these circumstances, it has become difficult for a poor servant to run a household under normal circumstances. So how will he participate in the joys of Eid?
    A common middle-class person takes care of his close relatives and neighbors, while a rich person can try to include the poor Muslim brothers across the country and the world in the joy of Eid.
    Those who spend their wealth and wealth in the way of Allah to remove poverty and destitution from the society, then Allah Almighty declares their expenditure as a good debt. At the same time, they also guarantee that the wealth spent in the way of Allah will be increased many times.
    Helping others and meeting their needs is the most beloved act to Allah.
    The religion of Islam is a religion of total benevolence, in Islam the importance of the rights of the servants is more than the importance of the rights of Allah. There is real happiness and relief in doing well and helping others, which leads to contentment of the heart as well as divine approval.

  11. Title Name:
    Eid of the poor and our behavior
    Author Name:
    Rukhsar Tariq ( Mphil Scholar GCUL)
    Contact No:
    House No 37, Street No, 62 Nasir abad Shalimar town Lahore .

    Islamic Writer Movement Pakistan 

    Eid al-Fitr is a special time of the year when Muslims around the world celebrate the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It is a time of joy, happiness, and gratitude for all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us. However, as we celebrate Eid, it is important to remember the less fortunate and vulnerable members of our community. Our behavior during this time should reflect the principles of compassion, empathy, and generosity that are central to our faith.
    The Quran mentions the importance of caring for the poor and vulnerable members of our society. Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 177 states:
    “Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.” (2:177)
    This verse emphasizes the importance of giving to those in need, even if it means sacrificing our own desires and wealth. It also highlights the importance of establishing prayer and fulfilling our promises, which are integral parts of our behavior during Eid.
    One of the ways we can exhibit these qualities is by reaching out to the poor and needy in our community. This is a time when many of us prepare lavish feasts and buy new clothes and gifts for our loved ones. However, it is also a time when many people struggle to make ends meet and cannot afford to celebrate Eid in the same way. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the needs of the poor and to help them in any way we can.
    One way we can do this is by donating to charity. Many organizations collect donations during Eid to provide food, clothes, and financial assistance to those in need. We can also volunteer our time and skills to help those in need, whether it is by serving food at a shelter or visiting the sick. By doing so, we can ensure that the less fortunate members of our community can also celebrate Eid with dignity and joy.
    Another way we can help the poor during Eid is by inviting them to our homes for the Eid meal. This is a time-honored tradition in many Muslim cultures and is an excellent way to share our blessings with others. We can also distribute food to the poor in our communities or organize communal meals for them. It is important to remember that the spirit of Eid is about sharing and caring, and we should prioritize the needs of the poor and vulnerable.
    However, our generosity should not be limited to just the poor. It is also important to be mindful of our behavior during Eid and to avoid wastefulness and extravagance. Many of us indulge in lavish meals, new clothes, and expensive gifts, often exceeding our budget and means. While there is nothing wrong with celebrating and enjoying the blessings of Allah, we must also be responsible with our finances and avoid unnecessary expenses.
    Moreover, our behavior during Eid should also reflect our respect for the environment and our commitment to sustainability. It is important to remember that our planet is facing many challenges, including climate change, deforestation, and pollution. Therefore, we should avoid wasteful practices such as excessive use of plastic, water, and electricity. We can also prioritize eco-friendly alternatives, such as using reusable plates and cutlery, reducing food waste, and avoiding disposable items.
    Furthermore, our behavior during Eid should also reflect our respect for the diversity and pluralism of our society. Many of our non-Muslim neighbors may not be familiar with Eid or its significance. Therefore, it is essential to show respect and understanding towards them. We can invite them to learn about Eid or send them greetings and well wishes. By doing so, we can foster a sense of community and respect towards one another.
    Finally, our behavior during Eid should reflect our commitment to the teachings of Islam. This is a time when we should renew our faith, seek forgiveness, and reflect on the lessons of Ramadan. We should also prioritize our prayers, attend the Eid prayer, and make dua for ourselves and our loved ones. Moreover, we should strive to embody the values of Islam, such as kindness, compassion, and generosity, in all aspects of our lives.
    In conclusion, Eid of the Poor is an essential aspect of our faith, and our behavior during this time should reflect the principles of compassion, empathy, and generosity.

اپنا تبصرہ بھیجیں