The Glorious Qur’an to Humanity/Written by/Ismat Usama

No doubt, Qur’an is an ethereal book revealed by Almighty Allah ,on His last messenger Hazrat Muhammad (sallallaho alaihy wasallam)by the mean of the great angel Gibrael (A.S).Qur’an is a masterpiece of literature, having divine guidance for entire humanity, worthy to read ,not only to get knowledge and wisdom but also to gain true sense what is right and wrong and to gain power of decision in the riddles of life.It comprises the foundation of principles on which survival of human beings depends in this world and hereafter.There are different stories from history about Prophets(A.S) and their nations.The Qur’an testifies other divine books too.Therefore,Qur’an is not only relevant to Muslims but also to other religions and to all humanity.According to Qur’an,find global relavance here:
“God is the Lord of the worlds”.
(Sura Fatiha,ayat 1).
“Prophet Muhammad (sallallaho alaihy wasallam)is the messenger for all worlds”.(Sura Hajj,ayat 107)
“Qur’an is a reminder to the worlds “(Sura Qalam,ayat 52).
So,the Holy Qur’an is a book of guidance for all kind of human beings and for all times !
Qur’an addresses human beings as ‘Ya ayyuhan Naas’ means ‘O, humankind’.Quran emphasizes on the rights of humanity as a whole unit.All human beings are the descendants of one man Hazrat Adam (A.S).Qur’an elaborates the moral values for all humanity:

“If anyone killed a person,not in retaliation of murder or to spread mischief in the land,it would be as if he killed all humankind and if anyone saved a life,it would be as if he saved the life of all the humankind”.(Sura Maida :32)
On another point,Allah says to the Muslims,
“You are the best community that has been raised for mankind”.(Aal e Imran:110)
Here are some other revelations about the care and concern of humanity.
“And him who seeks thy help,chide not”.(Sura Zuha ,ayat 10)
“Kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury and Allah is free of need and forebearing”(Sura Baqra :263).
“And when other relations and orphans and poor are present at the Division of Heritage,give them something therefrom and speak to them words of kindness”.(Sura Nisa :8)
“Those who spend in prosperity and adversity and those who suppress anger and pardon men and Allah loves those who do good”.(Sura Aal e Imran 134).
“There is no blame on you for what you do by mistake but only for what you do intentionally and Allah is All-Forgiving ,Most Mercifull”.(Sura Ahzab 5).
“And serve Allah and do not associate anything with Him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbour (of your) kin and the alien neighbour and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess,surely Allah does not love him who is proud ,boastfull”.(An -Nisa 36).
The sacred Qur’an elaborates the dignity of humankind ,
“And surely ,we have honoured the children of Adam and carried them on the land and at the sea and provided them with good things and we have made them to excel by an appropriate excellence over many of those who created”.(Sura Bani Israel 70).
The Holy Qur’an saves and secures the rights of women-folk just like the rights of men.There is a beautiful sense of equality of good deeds and their reward among men and women alike:
“Verily ,the Muslim men and women ,the believers men and women,the men and women who are obedient (to Allah) the men and the women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds),the men and the women who are patient ,the men and the women who are humble ,the men and the women who gives sadaqaat (I,e zakat and alms),the men and women who observe fast ,the men and guard their chastity (from illegal relations) and the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues,Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward(i,e Paradise)”.(Sura Al-Ahzab:35).
The Glorious Qur’an, which is the last divine book,is infact purifier of beliefs and thoughts.It urges humanity to act upon the voice of consciousness. Qur’an is a miracle that completely changes human beings from internal to external level. Qur’an, as a divine guidance may play a pivotal role in the ethical and moral progress of humanity.It is the need of the hour that people from any region and color study Qur’an with open heart and mind , without any previous bias and find peace and tranquility of soul.
Recently,the act of desecration of Qur’an in Sweden has caused detrimental effects on interfaith harmony and may cause damage to the world peace .World should stop such a blasphemous acts and should make such laws that may save all sacred divine books and personalities of all Prophets (A.S).If the world would read and understand Qur’an,it may come to know,how much guarantee of peace , social justice, prosperity and equality of human beings exists in the system given by the Glorious Qur’an!

اس خبر پر اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں

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